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Rejuvenate your skin by boosting collagen production


Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a powerful skin rejuvenating procedure that helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, skin laxity, stretch marks, and other scars.


Tiny micro needles are used to create controlled micro punctures in the skin that the body treats by producing new collagen and elastin in the affected areas. Results include smoother, firmer, brighter, and more even skin tone, as well as decreased wrinkles and pigmentation, improved appearance of scars and stretch marks, and even helps with hair loss (hair regeneration). Microneedling leaves the skin revitalized and gives it an overall more youthful appearance.

Benefits of Microneedling

  • Is safe for all skin types and allows for better absorption and effectiveness of topical products

  • Stimulates collagen and elastin production results in reduction in fine lines and wrinkles and improves loose, lax skin and skin tone and texture

  • Reduction in the appearance of scars and stretch marks (cannot be performed on keloid scars)

  • Reduces the appearance of acne scars and pore size, improves pigmentation issues and sun damage

  • Helps with hair loss by stimulating blood supply to the follicle which increases hair growth

  • Areas of the body that can be treated include: face, scalp, neck, hands, arms/legs, abdomen

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What to Expect

Results do vary but you may see improvement after just the first treatment. However, for optimum results, treatments typically consist of 3-6 sessions 4-6 weeks apart and more significant results will be seen after several treatments.


Those with deep scarring or hyperpigmentation may require more treatment than others.


Your skin will continue to improve and show more results over 6-12 months after treatment as long as you follow a good skin care regimen.


  • Discontinue use of Retin A, Retinols, Vitamin A creams and other topical medications for 5-7 days before and after your microneedling treatment.

  • Sun exposure and/or usage of a tanning bed should be avoided a few days prior and self-tanning products should not be used within a week prior.


  • Treatment of prolonged sun exposure (natural sunlight, artificial tanning booth, or sunless tanning products) may result in hypopigmentation (white spots) or hyperpigmentation (dark spots) that may not clear for several months or may even be permanent. Microneedling treatment will not be administered on sunburned skin.

  • Accutane and any other photosensitizing medication should be discontinued for a period of at least 6 months prior to receiving treatment and should not be used during your course of treatment.

  • No area to be treated should receive any type of Chemical Peel or waxing for 2 weeks prior. Shaving is allowed immediately before treatment and 48-72 hours after treatment as long as there is no skin irritation.

  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory medication, drinking alcohol, or taking fish oil tablets for the three days before your microneedling treatment, as this will help minimize bleeding.

  • Surgical scars must be healed for 6 months prior to being micro needled.

  • Notify the provider of any tattoos, including cosmetic tattooing, in the vicinity of the area to be treated as tattoos must be avoided. That includes permanent makeup and microblading.

  • If you have a history of cold sores, you may need antiviral therapy before or after your treatment.


  • You may not be pregnant or lactating for this treatment.

  • You may not be on blood thinners.

  • Eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, active acne, open lesions (cold sores) or other wounds on the treatment area.

  • You may not have been treated for skin cancer in the desired treatment area.

  • If you are prone to keloid scarring, you should not receive this treatment

  • Actinic (Solar) Keratosis.

  • Diabetes. (delayed wound healing).

  • Presence of raised moles, warts, or lesions within treatment area.

  • Botox within 2 weeks or dermal filler injected within the last 4 weeks of (In the area that will be treated).

  • Scleroderma, Blood clotting problems, Collagen vascular diseases, Cardiac abnormalities, Immunosuppression, Active bacterial or fungal infections, Scars less than 3 months old.

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